Work Package 1: Co-design, stakeholder engagement, and model usability
- Ensure relevance and legitimacy of research activities through structured involvement of stakeholders, including European citizens
- Improve the quality of research and usefulness of tools by engaging closely with the user community – using capacity training for bi-directional exchanges
- Lower entry barriers and improve the transparency of IAM-based research through open access and improved documentation (incl. observing the FAIR principles)
Work Package 2: Entry-points to just and efficient transitions to net zero
- Improve the modelling of economic structural change and its interplay with net-zero climate policies
- Ensure adequate representation of sectoral details and near-term trends in the integrated assessment of net zero pathways
- Advance the analysis of the distributional impacts of net zero pathways on households and regions
- Provide a holistic assessment of policy portfolios to implement a just and efficient transition to net zero GHG emissions in Europe and beyond
Work Package 3: Climate finance and innovation
- Improve the modelling of the financial sector both in conventional and agent-based IAMs
- Investigate the implications of regional and granular heterogeneity of cost of capital
- Improve probabilistic forecasting techniques for technology cost developments
- Enhance the modelling of technological innovation & spill-over effects
- Provide estimations of investment financing needs for the transition and de-risking mechanisms
Work Package 4: Lifestyle, digitalisation, material efficiency, and circularity
- Improve IAM representation of demand-side transformation enabling net-zero emission pathways
- Understand the implications of digitalisation in daily life for climate change mitigation
- Understand the global, long-term dynamics of lifestyle change as an endogenous model process
- Understand material consequences of low-carbon transformation
- Improve the representation of materials and related circular-economy based mitigation options in IAMs, including recycling, reuse and remanufacturing
- Represent material stocks and flows of selected specialty materials that are important components of key mitigation technologies
Work Package 5: SDGs synergies and trade-offs, and biophysical climate impacts
- Improve the representation of biodiversity in IAMs
- Climate change impacts (biophysical and economic), including the extent to which they can be avoided through mitigation action
- Evaluate co-benefits and trade-offs between mitigation and adaptation action in areas such as health, biodiversity, food security
Work Package 6: Robust and resilient climate mitigation and adaptation pathways
- Integration of impacts and adaptation in holistic IAM modelling frameworks
- Assessment of model uncertainties in large ensemble of scenarios
- A robust decision-making framework for scenario selection
- Comparing the efficiency of alternative policy instruments
- Downscaling IAMs results at country/local level
Work Package 7: Management and Dissemination
- Coordinate the activities within the project and facilitate the communication within the Consortium to ensure the integration of the different streams of work;
- Communicate with the European Commission to ensure information exchange and guarantee compliance with relevant regulations of HEU programme
- Ensure data management and assure data quality
- Support the organisation of project meetings and workshops;
- Ensure appropriate strategies to disseminate and communicate the project’s results.
Find here the List of Deliverables.
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